Entornos 2021-12-03T12:18:34-05:00 Fernando Adolfo Fierro Celis Open Journal Systems <p><strong>DOI:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>ISSN:&nbsp;</strong>2590-8081&nbsp;<strong> e-ISSN</strong>:&nbsp;0124-7905</p> <p>La Revista Entornos es una publicación científica arbitrada, dirigida a los especialistas de las diversas áreas del saber, interesados por la producción y la divulgación del conocimiento científico. Entornos es una revista multidisciplinar que publica preferentemente artículos originales e inéditos, escritos ya sea en español, francés, inglés, portugués o alemán, derivados de investigaciones.</p> Estrategias didácticas para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades escriturales en estudiantes de Lengua Castellana 2021-12-03T10:45:50-05:00 Jaime Alberto Cabrera Jorge Antonio Flórez Cabrera <p>This article reveals the analysis results of writing abilities form students of the Literature and Spanish Language program at the Universidad Surcolombiana. The objective of this study was the design of didactic strategies, which are transversal to the general curriculum, with the purpose of contributing to the qualification of the future undergraduate students of the program. The mixed, cross-sectional approach was used, with a sample of 165 students from first and fifth students. The writing ability of fifth semester students was found to be slightly higher than that of first semester students. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to implement theoretical methodological strategies to strengthen writing abilities.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0 Brechas de Género: Un análisis para el Mercado Laboral del Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente 2021-12-03T11:01:15-05:00 Jhon Jairo Marín Restrepo Sebastián Francisco Valencia Cardona Gerardo Antonio Buchelli Lozano <p>This research determined the current situation of gender gaps in the labor market of the Central West Metropolitan Area (AMCO), contributing to the decision-making process regarding the establishment of policies and strategies to overcome these inequalities. This research is quantitative in nature and I seek to respond to its objective using the ORMET Network methodology "Gender Gaps in the Labor Market: A Methodology to Generate Information, Raise Awareness and Impact", which establishes four dimensions to carry out the analysis: Sexual Division of Labor, Conciliation of professional, personal and family life, Discrimination and labor segregation. Likewise, the wage gaps in the employed population and the informal employed population were determined. The results of the research show an unfavorable situation for women in all the dimensions analyzed, especially in relation to unemployment, informality and the care economy, as well as a negative wage gap for women, especially in informal women. and a segregation of women in some sectors of the economy, related to the service sector. Furthermore, it was possible to establish the widening of the gaps between the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, showing worse indicators than those presented in 2015 in almost all dimensions. A substantial improvement was found, although the gaps persist, in the results for the population between 15 and 24 years old. These results should guide the approach of public policies that seek to create awareness among development actors about the implications of gender inequality and thus empower these actors to propose solutions within their context that allow the elimination of these gaps.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0 Estudio de la calidad del aceite Oliosoya por el método del prisma 2021-12-03T11:17:27-05:00 Wilmer A. Gómez-Fierro Emiro S. Arrieta-Jiménez <p>Vegetable oils play a determining role in the cooking process of food, thus becoming an indispensable element in the diet. Therefore, the study of the quality of these oils is established as a measure of great importance for the health care of human beings, since there is an increase in the suffering of cardiovascular diseases linked to nutrition. This research experimentally illustrates the quality of Oliosoya oil from its refractive index, since this oil generates a great demand and commercialization in the Colombian territory. From the deviation of the minimum angle of the red light of the white light dispersion spectrum and using the prism formula, the refractive index of Oliosoya oil was estimated after continuous frying with potato, helped with a dispersive prism integrated to the Spectrometer-goniometer. The Oliosoya oil in its pure state showed a low refractive index and as the number of fries increased, this index also increased, with this considerable increase since the fourth frying. The increase in the refractive index shows a great resistance to heat, which in this case is estimated to delay its oxidation from the fourth frying onwards. The excess of frying times (greater than four) would cause the generation of radicals harmful to the human body and an increase in the suffering of cardiovascular diseases.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0 Una apuesta hacia el acceso a la justicia. Caso Puerto Toledo 2021-12-03T11:50:52-05:00 Lizeth Daniela Estupiñan Quesada Melba Nydia León Rodríguez <p>The various impediments that citizens living in rural Colombia face in the administration of justice, are the raison d'être of the proposal of a socio-legal nature called: The Automatic Registry of Filing for the Rural Sector, hereinafter (Resarser), which is conceived as a system that demands the participation of local actors with knowledge and access to technological and digital means, for its implementation. Said elements in a coordinated manner are used to mitigate the problems that prevent access to this ideal within the Vereda de Puerto Toledo in the municipality of Puerto Rico (Meta). For this purpose, the methodology called participatory action is applied in line with qualitative and quantitative research tools, in order to contextualize the study population. In such a way that once the aspects to be improved are identified, the investigative proposal for the solution of the same in the administration of justice is presented.</p> <p>After this, the operation, characteristics and execution process of the investigative proposal in the Vereda de Puerto Toledo (Meta) are disclosed. Finally, in the discussion, the situations susceptible to changes for the permanent implementation of the applied proposal are developed, as well as the benefits of facilitating the administration of justice to the citizens who live in one of the many rural regions of Colombia. The foregoing shows that the level of access to the public service of the justice administration in the Vereda de Puerto Toledo is directly proportional to the affordability that the residents of said rural area have with respect to the use of digital and technological media.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0 Transparencia en la administración de la pensión de alimentos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes, obligación derivada de un derecho primigenio. 2021-12-03T12:03:14-05:00 Rolando Castillo Santiago <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The purpose of the study is to answer to what the accountability of the alimony refers and what are its properties, in order to elaborate a theoretical / legal framework to support the request for accountability to whoever exercises the function as a alimony administrator. <strong>Method. </strong>For the development of this qualitative and descriptive research, a combination of techniques has been used, starting from the bibliographic review where a review of the theoretical-legal roots of the concept of food and its implications is made, followed by a brief study of cases and comparative law. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>Considering that when the alimony to minors is decreed judicially, in all these cases they are represented by some person who in exercise of the obligation to administer the liquidity provided, acquire goods and services to him, for address the needs of the minor, according to the amount he receives for the purpose of providing welfare, allowing the&nbsp; beneficiaries to have an adequate standard of living for their physical and psychological development, so that the rights of the minors enshrined in the internal law and international treaties in which a country is a signatory, corresponding to the effective legal protection of the State to account for the fulfillment of the obligation to give and manage the decreed alimony.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0 Mujer emprendedora: sus habitus y prácticas. Estudio de caso beneficiarias del Fondo Emprender en Neiva año 2019 2021-12-03T12:18:34-05:00 Carlos Andrés Ordóñez Haner Adrian Aros Alexander Quintero <p>Introduction: The purpose of this article is to understand the process of constitution of the entrepreneurial woman from the identification of their habitus and practices. It is based on the social theory of (Bourdieu, 2012), which understands the “habitus” as the process by which culture is formed, established and reproduced and dispositions are naturalized. Once acquired, they guide some practices or actions that must be appropriated in the course of life and that are demonstrated in the different fields where the human being develops. Most of the studies carried out on the entrepreneur have been based on the deterministic approach. This theoretically constructivist research aims to understand the process of constitution of the entrepreneur "Fondo Emprender" of the city of Neiva, from the identification of their habitus and practices. Methodology: through the use of the narrative biographical method as a methodological tool that allows describing the unknown social universe of the entrepreneur where it appropriates particular dispositions that it reflects in its social praxis and that owe its constitutive process as being an entrepreneur. Results: eleven emerging practices are demonstrated during the constitution process, practices that are distributed in the different stages of the entrepreneur's life and interrelate with the different fields and capitals of her social environment. Conclusion: The "habitus to Institutionality" was evidenced, or a great willingness to belong to institutions and to comply with collective norms and principles, even if they transformed their individual practices. There, the “Emprender Fund” appeared, an institution that made possible the materialization of its undertaking in the absence of having economic capital.</p> 2020-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 0