Volumen 3, Número 1. ISSN-2619-5860. Web page: www.journalusco.edu.co
Can I really fight against climate change
Puedo realmente luchar contra el cambio climático
Laura D. Fernández Tamayo*
Documento Reflexivo
Recibido el 18/05/2020; aceptado el 03/08/2020
According to the biologist from the University of Bristol Daisy Dunne, on August 23th, 2019, thousands of fires were burning in Brazil, especially in the Amazon rainforest which is known as the Earth’s lungs. Those fires were sending huge amounts of smoke across the region and sending alarming quantities of carbon dioxide into the world’s atmosphere (Brief, 2019). In the last thirty years, scientists have been crystal clear when trying to make people realize about all the issues that the human beings have produced such as climate change and the most popular term “global warming”. This worrying situation affects every single living community around the world like people and animals. Having all this in mind, common citizens just like us must start a fight against climate change by recycling, using renewable energy, and avoiding producing waste. This fight should aim to start a new low carbon society who is aware not only of the risks of climate change, but also, the possibilities that we have in our hands.
It may be good to clarify that these late years have been the warmest throughout the Earth’s history. 2016 was considered to be the warmest year on record. NASA and NOAA data show that global averages in 2016 were 1.78 degrees F (0.99 degrees C) warmer than the mid-20th century average. Seventeen of the 18 warmest years have occurred since 2000 as it is stated by (International, n.d). It is believed that human activities are very likely the main cause of global warming because of intensive farming, deforestation, mining, and overconsumption. It is unbelievable that even when we know worrying statistics and terrifying studies about the current state of our home –The Earth, we keep ruining the only place in the entire universe where we can live warmly and with great joy.
In this sense, the human kinds are being selfish since they do not think of a near future where other people would love to know the today’s world that we are constantly destroy with our irresponsible actions.
A late government program that affects directly the climate change is the way the Colombian government intends to get economic benefits from the worrying situation.
By giving permissions to foreign multinationals to exploit natural resources such as building the Quimbo Dam and exploring moorlands looking for fossil oils. Climate change is truly having negative consequences in biodiversity, oceans, the weather and the way people and animals live. At some point, the earth will be too hot for people to live comfortably if we do not make significant changes. During the last century, the earth’s average temperature rose by 1 degree Fahrenheit which is a cause of concern. If people continue contributing to this serious issue, there will be irreversible consequences. The Earth will be a total disaster where no one would have any possibility to live. In fact, there are short term impacts that are already happening such as flooding, storms, dryness and tsunamis that are the best way how the Earth tell us
The best way of solving this worrying issue is to create awareness on people who contribute directly or indirectly in order for them to stop causing troubles to the living planet. Governments have to accept that this is a real and tangible problem which concerns to everyone and that needs to be faced as soon as possible. According to (Nations, 2019), latest analysis shows that if we act now, we can reduce carbon emissions within 12 years and hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C and even, as asked by the latest science, to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It is crucial to take into account that although big petrol companies are the principal sources of toxic gases, farmers and normal citizens are directly contributing to the problem in many ways when they litter and do not recycle. Even if statistics may not be comforting, we must start making a real difference by changing our mindset. People can start from home by recycling, using renewable energy, avoiding producing waste, using public transport, saving energy as much as possible and teaching children new alternatives that contribute in some way to keep our planet clean and healthy.
The human race is being threatened and they must take action as soon as possible since this issue needs to be treated as it is; a huge problem that may lead the human beings to their extinction. Moreover, companies and multinationals need to think of the world’s benefit since their actual goal is the economical profit. If the world’s governments organize as a group and work all together, they may make a better impact to reduce the global warming and to conserve this living planet that is our only home in the universe. It is time for us to take a look to the things that we can do to help the planet so as to improve the environment health. If every single person starts doing their part, we will be allowed to live in this amazing but dying planet that offer us everything to live comfortably.
Carbon Brief. (2019, August 28). Carbon Brief. Retrieved from https://www.carbonbrief.org/media-reaction-amazon-fires-and-climate-change
Conversation International. (n.d).
United Nations. (2019, September 23).
* She is a student from Universidad Surcolombiana. She is currently studying the eighth semester of the English Language Teacher Education program at Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Colombia. Education Department. Email: u20162151683@usco.edu.co