Las gap junctions o uniones comunicantes una puerta más para el estudio de diversas patologías
1.Gap Junctions: New Tools, answers, New Questions: M. V.L. Bennett, L.C. Barrio, T. A. Bargiello, D.C. Spray, E. Hertzberg, and J.C. Saez: Neuron Vol, 6 305-320, March 1991.
2.Gap junctional intercellular communication and the regulation of connexin expresion an function: L.S. Musil, and D.A., Goodenough: Current Opinion in Cell Biolgy, Vol 2, 1990.
3.Voltage dependent gap junctions channels are formed by connexin 32, the mayor gap junction protein of rat liver: A. P. Moreno, A, C, Campos de Caravalho, V. Verselis, B. Eghbali, and D, Spray: Biophys, J. Vol. 59, April 1992 920-925
4.Gap junctions between human corpus cavernossum smooth muscle cells: gating properties and unitary conductance: A.P. Moreno, A.C. Campos de caravalho, G. christ, A.M. Melman, and D.C. Spray: The American Physiological Society: e80-e92, 1993.
5.Intercellular communication between mouse Leydig Cells: W. A. varanda and, A. C. Campos de Caravalho: Am J. Physiol. 267: c563-c569, 1994.
6.Biophysical properties of the human cardiac gap junction cahnnel: D.C Spray, A. P. Moreno and, A.C. Campos de Carvalho: Brazilian J. Med. Biol. Res. (1993) 26: 541-552.
7.Gap junctions is altered between cardiac Myocytes infected with TRIPA-NOSOMA CRUZI. A.C. Campos de Carvalho, H.B. Tanowitz, M. Wittner, R. Dermiestzel, C. Roy, E. L. Herzberg, and C. Spray. Circulation.
8.Retinoids and carotenoids upregulate gap-junctional communication: correlatin with enhanced growth control and cáncer prevention: Mohammad Z. Hossain, Li-zhang and Jhon S. Bertram: progress in cell Research, Vol 3 c301; 1993 elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
9.Cristancho fierro josé Miguel:Tesis de doctorado. Proyecto en desarrollo, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, 1995.
10.characterization of gap junctions between pairs of Leydig cell from mouse testis. E.M. Perez-Almandariz, M. C. Romano, J. Luna, C. Miranda, M.V. Bennett, and A: P. Moreno: Am Physiol. 267: c570'c580: 1994.