Well Pressure Behavior for a Vertical Well in a Gas Condensate Naturally Fractured Reservoir

Well Pressure Behavior for a Vertical Well in a Gas Condensate Naturally Fractured Reservoir


Freddy Humberto Escobar
Humberto García Rocha
Ivan Mauricio Suaza

The complex behavior exhibited by gas condensate reservoirs due to the existence of a two-phase system: reservoir gas and liquid condensate and its implications plus the nature of  heterogeneities is the subject of the present article which involves handling of  reservoir engineering concepts subject to be interpreted, so that by coupling them with pressure transient analysis using a compositional simulator, we can obtain some patterns which lead to facilitate the understanding of the reservoir’s dynamics.

Great volumes of fluids are stored in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFR).  Simulation of this type of deposits presents great challenges, from not only the geomechanical point of view but also the thermodynamical modeling of the different phases flowing throughout the fracture system.

In this work, we present an attempt to model a gas condensate formation involving the implications of relative permeabilities to observe their effect on the flow behavior once pressure finally falls below the dewpoint and the effect of the capillary number on the fluid flow phenomena in the near-wellbore region. Interpretation of the pressure test is conducted by the TDS technique.


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