Effects of drinking coffee as a stimulant drink
Coffee consumption over time has been associated with multiple effects on
theCoffee consumption has been associated with multiple positive effects on the
human body: increased short-term memory, stimulation of the central nervous system and benefits to intellectual functions. At the same time, however, it has been linked to degenerative conditions and diseases. In this respect, the aim of this article was to identify the effects of coffee consumption on the inhabitants of the city of Neiva. To this end, a quantitative, cross-sectional research study was carried out, with data collected from 138 respondents. The results show a prevalence between coffee consumption and variations in mood and behavioural situations. It also highlights a greater likelihood of post-drinking depressive symptoms in people who have an occasional intake of coffee. Finally, it is recommended that studies be carried out on the parameters of gender influence on the effects of coffee consumption.
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