Hummingbirds of the Department of Huila: A Documentary Review

Colibríes del Departamento del Huila: Una Revisión Documental


Julieth Tatiana Ramírez Bahamón

Hummingbirds are endemic to the American continent, belonging to the Trochilidae family, they are the second group of birds with the largest number of species in the world and they feed on the nectar of flowers and in some cases on arthropods. These birds pollinate a wide variety of plants, where they exert a biological association of mutualism known as ornithophilia, where both
organisms benefit. Based on the above, the objective is to carry out a review of the reported species of the Trochilidae family in Huila using as a methodology a bibliographic review of various scientific articles, books, websites, among other sources. To date, approximately 80 species of hummingbirds have been described in the department of Huila, however, in the bibliographic review, 4 species of endemic hummingbirds and 18 species of almost endemic hummingbirds were found, giving a total of 23 species of birds reported in the department. department, said the above, it is concluded that there are few investigations that
have been presented in Huila regarding this family, therefore it is proposed to promulgate and encourage proposals that increase the study of the diversity of hummingbirds in order to generate designs and implementation of strategies in conservation plans, finally generate awareness in environmental learning.


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Author Biography / See

Julieth Tatiana Ramírez Bahamón, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante Lic. Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental


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