Molar ectopic pregnancy

Embarazo ectopico molar


Leidy J. Orjuela Tellez
Fabio Rojas Lozada

Introduction. Ectopic pregnancy has a low incidence (20 out of 1000 pregnancies) and molar pregnancy is an entity, whose occurrence is 1 out of 1,000 cases; that is why the simultaneous presentation of these diseases is less frequent. In the medical literature only 40 cases have been described.  Case report. a 29-year-old patient who was admitted with positive pregnancy test, not remembering last menstruation, going through abdominal pain for two days and scarce menstrual spotting. On physical examination without signs of peritoneal irritation, transvaginal ultrasound is performed with findings compatible with ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Patient is taken to exploratory laparotomy plus right salpingectomy. Pathologic anatomy reporting partial hydatidiform mole. Negativization of B-HCG at 4 weeks after the procedure.




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Author Biographies / See

Leidy J. Orjuela Tellez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Residente ginecología y obstetricia.

Fabio Rojas Lozada, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Hernando Moncaleano, Neiva, Huila, Colombia.

Coordinador posgrado ginecología y obstetricia.

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Clara del Carmen Flores Acosta, Oralia Barboza Quintana, Oscar Vidal Gutiérrez. EMBARAZO ECTÓPICO MOLAR CORNUAL. CASO CLÍNICO. REV CHIL OBSTET GINECOL 2010; 75(2): 133-136.

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