Chronic complications in type II diabetes Mellitus patients at University Hospital in Neiva
Complicaciones crónicas en pacientes con diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva
Introduction. Type II Mellitus Diabetes is a chronic non-communicable disease with a high prevalence; its chronic complications reduce the quality of life of patients; this increasing prevalence comes with increased complications. It is necessary to know the magnitude of the problem in our area to raise interventions. Materials and methods. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in order to characterize the chronic complications in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM 2) at the University Hospital of Neiva between 2008 and 2009. Results. Of the 204 patients evaluated, 126 had at least a chronic complication and a total of 128 complications were identified, giving a proportion of chronic complications of DM 2 61,8%. The frequency of chronic complications found was as follows: 21,6% nephrology (IC95%:16,0-27,3), diabetic foot 18,6% (IC95%:13,7-23,9), neurological 15,2% (IC95%:10,3-20,1), ophthalmologic 16,2% (IC95%:11,1-21,3), coronary artery disease 11,3% (IC95%:7,0-15,6), cerebrovascular disease 4,9% (IC95%:2,5-8,3) and peripheral vascular disease (IC95%:0-3,4). Description was made of complications by age and gender. Significant differences were identified between the standardized recommendations for monitoring patients with type II Mellitus Diabetes. It is pertinent to propose the implementation of a control program addressed to diabetic patients in the institution.
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