Lepromatous leprosy with leprotic reaction II type erythema nodosum complicated with peripheral arterial disease

Lepra lepromatosa con reacción leprótica II tipo eritema nodoso leproso complicada con enfermedad arterial periférica


Rafael Henríquez
Germán Augusto Díaz

The leprosy is as old as humanity; nevertheless, a number of aspects related to several factors like etiologic agent, epidemiology, immunology, histopathological changes and treatment are still investigated. These factors developed within its evolutionary context. The ccurrent trend indicates a worldwide decrease in incidence and prevalence of this disease; however, the reaction episodes occurring in the course of the disease take place in a high percentage. The causes of these complications are not fully understood yet, but hard work is being done in search of the intimacies of leprotic reactions. These statuses are presented in the whole spectrum of the illness and the erythema nodosum is an important and frequent complication in the multibacillary patients.This complication characteristic of leprosy, it is added to this case another condition known as peripheral arterial disease which severely complicated the lepromatous leprosy and leprotic reaction, resulting in tissue necrosis of lower limbs by critical ischemia. In this case, there were diagnostic difficulties because of the bizarre clinical manifestation presented at the onset of complications.  However, after 1-year follow-up it was concluded that the patient was in two different entities. 



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Author Biographies / See

Rafael Henríquez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Asistente, Facultad de Salud.

Germán Augusto Díaz, Universidad Surcolombiana

Médico Internista.

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