Alcohol consumption in students of the Faculty of Health Surcolombiana University, 2012
Objective. To determinethe frequency ofalcohol consumption andrelated variables characterizing consumption among students face programs of medical and nursing Surcolombiana University. Methods. Cross-sectional and prospective study during the academic year 2012. The students all respondents was 413, who answered aself-report questionn aire that included the identification test for alcohol-related disorders (AUDIT) and additional questions. We performed univariate and bivariate analysis, using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Epi Info7. Results. Of the total population, 53% were men, being the group with the highest consumption of alcoholic beverages, with an increased risk (OR4.7,chi11.57, p 0.0006) female gender, just as when comparing consumption medical student sabout nursing, was 80% and 20% respectively ((OR 3.26Chi7.04p0.0079)). The age athigh risk relative toconsumption is the most inover 20 years of age, considereda low risk for most respondents (OR1.09Chi0.05p0.819). Conclusions. Being malein creased risk evidence of alcohol consumption, as well as beinga medical student compared tonursing, determinesan increased risk of having disorders associated with alcohol consumption, however age was notreported to be ahigh risk factor for developing these disorders.
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