Mirizzi Syndrome “A case under the underdiagnosis”

Síndrome de Mirizzi “un caso bajo el subdiagnóstico”


Franco Andrés Montenegro Coral
Nathalia Muñoz Realpe
Marino Adalberto Coral Bedoya
This is a male patient 70 years old from Pasto Nariño, with a history of cholelithiasis without cholecystitis, 2 years of evolution, The one who enters for urgencies to an institution of health of the Pasto city on December 27, 2012, where it was realized laparoscopic cholecystectomy being finding cholangitis, necrotic bladder, piocolecisto, gallstone of 5x6 cm, incrusted in the neck of the bladder and bladder fibrótica adhered to the hepatic bed. Mirizzi‘s syndrome was first described by Paul Mirizzi in 1947 says etiological factors of extrahepatic cholestasis in some patients with gallstones. This condition is uncommon worldwide and Colombia, and more specifically in Nariño, plus lack of publications on this topic; for this reason it brings to this clinical case discussion.


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Author Biographies / See

Franco Andrés Montenegro Coral, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - sede Pasto

Biólogo, Esp. Ecología, Esp. Planeación Ambiental & Manejo de Recursos Naturales. Maestrante en Epidemiología. Profesor Investigador Programa de Medicina Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - sede Pasto.

Nathalia Muñoz Realpe, Fundación Hospital San Pedro, Pasto

MD. General.

Marino Adalberto Coral Bedoya, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Pasto

MD. Esp. Cirugía General. Esp. Cirugía Gastrointestinal y Endoscopia Digestiva. Profesor-Investigador Programa de Medicina Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Pasto.

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