Factors associated with urinary tract infection in pregnant women Pitalito, 2012
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common pathology during pregnancy that if not treated on time, develops complications like preterm delivery and low weight birth. An analytical case-control study was conducted aimed and identifying factors associated with urinary tract infection in pregnant women at ESE Manuel Castro Tovar from Pitalito in 2012. Sample consisted of 90 pregnant women (45 cases and 45 controls) coupled by age with UTI diagnosis, who attended antenatal care. It was found epidemiological relation between UTI presence in pregnancy and “low” educational level (OR: 1,33 IC 0.51-3.58), as well as gestation antecedent (OR: 1,8 IC 0.54-6.83), late prenatal care (OR: 1,7 IC 0.55-5.58) and birth giving (OR: 1,67 IC 0.55-5.58). There was no association between UTI presence in pregnancy with UTI antecedent and occupation; likewise, an analysis made with hypothesis variables showed epidemiological association between UTI in gestation and low educational level and multiple birth-giving factors, although this difference is not statistically significant. Sample size and medical histories quality are within the study limitations. In conclusion, UTI presence during pregnancy is subject to multiple factors beyond the biological aspect which must be taken into consideration for its comprehensive approach, optimizing mother and child’s welfare.
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