Use of coping strategies of patients suffering from HIV and cáncer at a public clinic in Santa Marta, Colombia

Uso de estrategias de afrontamiento de los pacientes con el VIH y el cáncer en una clínica privada en Santa Marta – Colombia


Guillermo Augusto Ceballos Ospina
Amparo Echeverri Arias
María Paola Jiménez Villamizar

Objective. To identify and analyze strategies to cope with the disease in patients suffering from HIV and cáncer admitted to a private clinic in the city of Santa Martha, Colombia, in order to improve the adaptation process to the disease, modifying schemes and behaviors in relation to their health; as well as to promote healthy habits and self-care attitudes in this kind of patients. Materials and Methods. It was carried out a cross-sectional study with a simple random sample of 30 patients from which 22 were HIV carriers and 8 were cancer patients. Results. Patients with HIV as well as those with cancer are not capable of coping with this adverse situation. 



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Author Biographies / See

Guillermo Augusto Ceballos Ospina, Universidad del Magdalena

Psicólogo especialista.

Amparo Echeverri Arias, Universidad del Magdalena

Estudiantes de grado.

María Paola Jiménez Villamizar, Universidad del Magdalena

Estudiante de Grado.

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