Incidence and associated factors for acute myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain
Coronary heart disease is one of the main pathologies causing morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Colombia there are few published studies showing the semiological characteristics associated with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in a patient with chest pain. Patients and Methods. A case prospective observational study and controls nested in a cohort. Case definition: Patients with chest pain and diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Definition of control: Patients with chest pain caused by pathologies other than AMI. Two controls were taken for each case. Data collection was performed using an instrument applied by interv iew andreview of medical histories. The analysis was performe dusing the statistical package Epi Info 7.0. Results. Total of 141 patients, 47 cases and 94 controls. 93.6% was admitted for chest pain. There is an association between the presence of certain clinical variables and cardiovascular risk factors and the likelihoodof AMI. Age and smoking are among thestatistically significant factors for cardiovascular risk. Conclusion. Based on the findings it is concluded that there are some clinical features and risk factors that, when present in patients with chest pain and /or angina equivalent, can lead the clinician to a diagnosis of AMI.
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