Complex psychological intervention by nurses in intensive care units

Intervenciones de enfermería del campo fisiológico complejo en unidades de Cuidado Intensivo


Ingri Lizeth Sarmiento
Diana Mileth Tovar Medina
Fabián Horacio Olaya Forero
Dolly Arias Torres

Objective. Contrast the level of expertise of nursing staff in an institution providing level IV health care in regard to non-delegable complex psychological interventions with the standards. Method. A descriptive, quantitative and prospective study. Eight nurses from the adult ICU participated. The information was collected through surveys and direct observation with the help of a self-completed questionnaire and an interview guide. The descriptive statistical analysis was obtained using SPSS, version 15. Results. One third of the nursing staff showed a medium and high level of expertise, whilst 25% had a low level. On the other hand, the level of delegation was 44.64% associated with the first variable. Conclusions. The study found a medium and high level of expertise regarding complex psychological interventions and a delegation rate of 44.6%.



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Author Biographies / See

Ingri Lizeth Sarmiento, Universidad Surcolombiana

Enfermera Especialista en Cuidado Crítico, Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva. Colombia

Diana Mileth Tovar Medina, Universidad Surcolombiana

Enfermera Especialista en Cuidado Crítico, Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva. Colombia

Fabián Horacio Olaya Forero, Universidad Surcolombiana

Enfermero Especialista en Cuidado Crítico, Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva. Colombia

Dolly Arias Torres, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ph.D., Profesora Titular Programa de Enfermería. Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva. Colombia.

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