Evaluation of strategy of Primary attention with family focus "Health door to door" in Huila department in 2006 – 2007.

Evaluación de la estrategia de atención primaria con enfoque familiar "salud puerta a puerta" en el departamento del Huila durante el periodo 2006-2007


Claudia Elena Ruíz Jaramillo

In the Department of Huila, it was implemented the Primary Health Care (PHC), strategy with a "Door to Door Health" family approach. The strategy aims to contribute to the decrease in morbidity and mortality rates in the marginal poor, urban and rural population with diffi cult access to the care services of health and with multiple risk factors.

After almost three years of having been implemented, it is indispensable a process of evaluation of the results. It will provide supporting tools for the steps taken towards the development of effective methods to strengthen the PHS strategy. For that purpose the research was consolidated through the drawing up of a general basic conceptual framework and a complete and critical revision of the results of PHC – DDH in order to know the common health and development needs of Huila population. The evaluation shows an average percentage of 88% which means ACCEPTABLE, with big weaknesses in variables like promotion and prevention and in the active participation mechanisms which are relevant elements of the Primary Health Care. Likewise, variables such as acceptability, appropriate human resources, and the intersectorial aspect are considered to be under acceptable conditions.

The variables considered as optimum are accessibility, induced demands, integrality, first contact, population approach, appropriate service and FESP integration. All but accessibility and first contact were evaluated qualitatively since for the investigation process it is inapplicable to determine a quantitative value, and the corresponding values don’t appear in the documents.



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Author Biography / See

Claudia Elena Ruíz Jaramillo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Especialista en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud y Seguridad Social. Facultad de salud

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