Craneocerebral trauma aspects of epidemiology and pathology

Trauma craneoencefálico aspectos epidemiológicos y fisiopatológicos


Abner Lozano Losada

The brain trauma (BT) is a pathology that exists from the beginning of the humanity. The primitive man knew that the skull was a vital organ. Despite it is well protected the skull the most lethally vulnerable. For that reason, ancient civilizations’ warlike strategies were aimed at creating weapons to attack and safety helmets to defend it. As time goes by, the different types and lesion mechanisms have been changing in relation to the technological development. With the advent of the motor vehicles and the heavy traffic in our cities and highways, this suffering has had an exponential increase in this century. This situation has led to seek preventive measures, as well as new and better therapeutic options in the medical care of these patients. 

In Colombia there are many ways of BT, which are not only caused by traffic or working accidents, the most frequent ones in developed countries, but also the BTs caused by sharp blunts (machete), sharp weapons (knife), and firearms. The BT is, therefore, a significant public health problem which deserves careful attention on the part of the government, the scientific sphere, general practitioners and neurosurgeons. In this grave health situation the life of a patient depends on a rapid and efficient attention. The Intensive Care Units (ICU) have become the paradigm of the acute neurologic pathology. The ICUs have had changes and advances for the last 25 years in regard to the handling of this pathology. 



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Author Biography / See

Abner Lozano Losada, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Ciencias Clínicas. Facultad de Salud

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