Benefits of nutritional support in surgical patient

Beneficios del soporte nutricional en el paciente quirúrgico


Lucía Fernanda Casanova Bermeo

Malnutrition rates in surgical patient are high as 50% which undoubtedly bring about complication rates in the preoperative stage. This event has attracted attention to research groups worldwide. It has been found that patients, no matter their nutritional condition, benefit from an appropriate nutrient supply taken orally or using enteral nutrition techniques and those severely malnourished who may stay longer at hospital for 7-10 pre-surgical interventions do it when supplies are parenteral, overcoming known risks of parenteral access like high infection rates. A general recommendation is to make a proper nutritional assessment aiming at reducing complications mainly those infectious-like. Proper nutritional supplies are established but they must be individualized for each case in particular, avoiding the overfeeding risk. Nutrition via is chosen base on gastrointestinal tract integrity and if possible enteral feeding is given in order to preserve mucosa barrier and the immunological function of intestine.




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Author Biography / See

Lucía Fernanda Casanova Bermeo, Universidad Surcolombiana,

Residente Cirugía General, Facultad de Salud,

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