Reflection on the possible effects of bad practices in tilapia production
As a result of the decrease in the consumption of red meat worldwide, due to various factors, there has been an increase in the exploitation of other types of meat. Such is the case of the white meat industry, which shows an accelerated growth day by day, becoming a vertical trend without ceiling. Part of this industry are the so-called fish banks, which have meant a considerable expansion of aquaculture - fish farming nationally and internationally. In Colombia, the department that stands out as the first fish farming producer is Huila, with 46% of the national production; followed by Meta, with 13%; and finally, Tolima, Antioquia,
Cundinamarca and Boyacá, with 5%, which represents 74% of the national fish farming production. However, with this expansion and development, this production has been exposed to sanitary and quality challenges linked to environmental problems, and health effects on fish and, eventually, on human beings.
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