Transforming the school for educational inclusion


Beatriz Lorena Caicedo Guevara Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

The phenomenon of the transformations that have been generated in this change of era, and that have as their antecedent the constant scientific advances, have produced modifications in all areas of life. This, of course, includes the great educational systems, the currents that have been developed, the approaches that have been transformed in recent years and the changes in methodologies; all these, edges that are mixed to shape the practical work of any educator.

One of the most frequent questions has to do with the principle of humanity and everything that exists, the knowledge of what is beyond the limited human knowledge and the possibility of feeling a reality that perhaps is not as true as it is believed. The scientific method is added, along with religion, to the long list of possibilities that could have the answer to everything we know. It is precisely at this point that education begins to play an essential role in satisfying the desire for knowledge and finding the answer to all those questions formulated by a humanity eager to know.


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Author Biography / See

Beatriz Lorena Caicedo Guevara, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Maestría en educación. Profesora investigadora.


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