Determination of organic carbon by the chemical method and by calcination

Determinación del carbono orgánico por el método químico y por calcinación


John Jairo Arévalo Hernández

Organic matter is an important parameter, which is used as an indicator of soil quality and is directly related to the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. Furthermore, its quantification is required to recommend the quantity and type of amendments that should be applied to the soil. In this article, two procedures were compared to quantify this parameter. The first was done by determining organic matter by a chemical method of NTC 5403 wet oxidation proposed by Walkley and Black in 1934. The second method used was by calcination, taking the samples to a muffle for a period of two hours at 360 ° C and obtaining the values ​​for weight differences. The samples were compared finding a high correlation between the two methods with a determination coefficient of 0.902. The aforementioned indicates that the contents of organic matter can be obtained by calcination saving time and resources since its determination is related to the moisture content of the soil, the apparent density, and quality of the soil.



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Author Biographies / See

Jaime Izquierdo Bautista, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctorado en planificación y manejo ambiental de cuencas hidrográficas– Profesor Asociado 

John Jairo Arévalo Hernández, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en ingeniería agrícola. Profesor Asociado 


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