About the restructuring of the Faculty of Education

A propósito de la reestructuración de la Facultad de Educación


Juan Manuel Perea Espitia

 the education in the 21st century  undoubtedly requires bold solutions so that the knowledge imparted and built in the educational centers, universities and colleges, are closer to reality according to the

advances made in the field of science and technology. Also, such knowledge should be the basis to help form the human resource (in our Faculty, the Bachelor) that will build the future of society and thus prevent educational institutions from remaining isolated and behind the processes of development of the communities.
Aware of our condition as a developing country, I believe that it is not a question of training human resources in our faculties in order to compete with developed countries in the field of science and technology, where they have made great progress. that on the contrary; In addition to imparting knowledge, we must create awareness about our ability to adapt, develop and transfer technology as well as to develop according to our reality in order to acquire our own identity and then transcend within the global context. It is not that it is intended, for example, to ignore the progress made in fields such as Computer Science and Robotics, but that technological developments and applications should be sought in order to optimize and perfect processes of our reality, such as in the field of natural resources, resources that place us in advantage with respect to many of the developed countries



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Author Biography / See

Juan Manuel Perea Espitia, Universidad Surcolombiana

Jefe de Programa Matemáticas y Física

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