Focus and Scope

Piélagus Journal is a Political Sciences publication, mainly characterized by the variety of epistemological approaches and freedom of thought. Its aim is to disseminate scientific and technological research, reflection of completed research, reflections of completed research with analytical, critical and interpretative reflections of completed research and research reviews that acknowledge the current scientific and developmental advances. Piélagus is included in EBSCOhost under the Academic Search Plus and Academic Search Premier, REDIB, MIAR, DOAJ, BASE, ProQuest, Dialnet, LatinRev, ERIHPLUS, Worldcat, CIRC y VLEX Colombia.

Types Of Articles

  • Scientific and technological research that submit original results.
  • Reflection of completed research with an analytical, critical and interpretative approach about a specific topic.
  • Research review that acknowledges current scientific and developmental advances with a minimum of 50 bibliographic references.

The editorial board will also accept other types of articles including papers, summary reports and book reviews of no more than 10 pages long with a minimum of 10 bibliographic references.

Being an international dissemination journal, Piélagus Journal accepts articles in Spanish, French and English.

Each articles is asigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which can be found in the manuscript as well as in the webpage once it is already published. Piélagus journal does not charge APCs or submission charges.

Procedure for peer review (double-blind)

Revista Jurídica Piélagus establishes a rigorous procedure for the review and selection of each article received. This process begins with the initial verification by the Editorial Committee, which can accept or reject the original documents based on the quality and scientific rigour, the approach to legal or political issues and the temporal validity of the results. The texts submitted are also subjected to the anti-plagiarism software IThenticate or Turnitin to verify their originality. In case of copyright infringement, the document will be rejected outright. If the text shows citation abuse of more than 30%, it will be returned for correction by the author. If the work is not returned with the required originality adjustments within 30 working days, the process will be considered closed due to tacit withdrawal by the author.

After the first review of originality, the Editorial Committee, through the editorial assistant, will check that the proposed work complies with the parameters required by the journal, such as length, format, APA referencing style (Latest version), accepted topics, distribution, etc. If any adjustments are needed, the authors can be informed so that they can modify the text or make the necessary recommendations.

Once this review, which is merely formal but crucial, has been carried out, the document will be submitted to an evaluation by double peer reviewers, who will be external to the authors’ affiliation. The editorial policies of Revista Jurídica Piélagus establish the complete anonymity of both the authors and the peer reviewers.  These evaluators will issue a concept in a format established by the journal, which establishes:

  • Approved without corrections.
  • Approved with corrections.
  • Restructure according to suggestions.

The reviewers write their comments, suggestions, and corrections in the evaluation form for possible publication, which contains different criteria for publication. To have a look at this form, please click here: Technical article evaluation for possible publication.

The suggestions, corrections or rejection of the article will be communicated to the author who can then refute the evaluation or will tend to the recommendations in the next thirty (30) working days. If the concept of any of the evaluators generates any controversy, they will be defined by the Editor or, if necessary, it will be sent for a third evaluation by another academic peer.

The result of any evaluation will be informed to the author of the article via e-mail and through the journal's platform (OJS), so that, if necessary, the author can make the corrections required by the evaluators. Once the corrections made by the author have been received, the journal will verify that they have been fully complied and it will analyze the explanations of those that the author has not considered. At this point, and only, if necessary, the article will be sent back to the author for final adjustments. The whole process described above can normally take three to four months. Only articles that comply with this procedure will be published, i.e., their mere submission to the Journal does not create an obligation to publish.

Copyright infringement procedure

Copyright infringement occurs when an author takes parts of a text or the complete text as his or her own, presenting them to the journal as his or her own. In these cases, plagiarism occurs, and the journal will reject the article submitted for consideration outright. The procedure for reviewing the originality of the articles will be carried out initially once the article has been received for publication. This review will be carried out by anti-plagiarism software such as Turnitin, Ithenticate or any other similar software that fulfils this function.

Authors must refrain from submitting to the journal any text that has been submitted to another journal at the same time. If the Editor of the journal detects that an article has been submitted to another journal at the same time, the text will be rejected outright.

Publication Frequency

The manuscripts’ submission is permanent. The journal had an annual periodicity until 2015. Since 2016, the journal started with a biannual publication.

Open Access Policy

Following the editorial policy of Surcolombiana University,  Revista Jurídica Piélagus has free access to its contents through its Web page under the principle of broad and free dissemination of knowledge to all the interested public.

The web contents of the Journal are distributed under the license Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.

Ethical Standards and Malpractice Statement

Publication of articles and authors' responsibilities

In accordance with editorial standards, Revista Jurídica Piélagus does not accept articles that have been previously published in any print or digital media. If an author reproduces supporting material partially or totally such as texts, tables, or figures from other publications, he/she must duly reference it.

If an author wishes to publish an article already published in Revista Jurídica Piélagus, the journal or media in which it is to be published must indicate the details of the original publication, with prior authorization from the journal's editor.

Each author is responsible for his or her respective publication; therefore, the articles published do not reflect the opinion of the Journal.

Revista Jurídica Piélagus does not permit the total or partial reproduction of material already published in other media. It reserves the right to accept or reject articles that engage in this practice.

It also reserves the right to suggest or indicate any modification it deems appropriate. In this case, the author of the article will receive the suggestions of the Journal's Editorial Committee via the OJS (Open Journal System) platform or by the journal e-mail. If the author accepts them, the article will be adjusted according to the indications and dates set by the Journal.

Editorial and publishing policies

Articles submitted to be considered by Revista Jurídica Piélagus must have a maximum of four authors. An author is understood to be the person who has contributed intellectually to the preparation of the text. The auxiliary work of data collection or merely formal aspects such as revision, layout or citation work are not sufficient criteria to be considered as an author. The author is the person who conceives the idea and carries out the work of executing the text, including the analysis, drafting and revision.

Revista Jurídica Piélagus is not responsible for internal conflicts that may arise within a group due to the authorship of the work submitted for consideration and approval.

Revista Jurídica Piélagus expressly accepts the parameters established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which are available on its web page

About copyright treatment

Once an article has been accepted for publication, Revista Jurídica Piélagus will send a form entitled “Statement of originality and transfer or rights to article dissemination” which must be signed by each of the authors. It will also state that the article is unpublished, indicating that the rights to reproduce the accepted article are the exclusive property of Revista Jurídica Piélagus and Surcolombiana University. The authors accept that they may not submit the article to another journal or publish it in a different medium, unless expressly authorized by the journal.

The content of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not commit in any way the Journal or the Surcolombiana University.

Rights for the publication of accepted articles

Once the articles are accepted for publication and the authors send the Statement of originality and transfer or rights to article dissemination, the rights for their reproduction and dissemination are born in favour of the Journal and Surcolombiana University. However, the authors of the accepted article retain the moral rights over the publication, understood as the moral and spiritual link between the author and his work, which are inalienable and unwaivable.

If an author wishes to reproduce an article of his or her authorship, he or she must obtain the authorization of the Journal for its material or virtual reproduction, even if it is a part of the article, its tables, texts, or graphics. In this case, he/she must make the respective citation of the material.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest arises in cases where the author's judgement in relation to a personal interest could be unduly influenced by a non-visible interest (financial, employment, etc.).

Authors submitting an article for consideration to the journal must declare any business association that may be suspected of a conflict of interest related to the submitted article.

Each author must also try to identify possible competing interests of the journal by submitting articles that may be affected in their review or impartial evaluation.

If this should occur, the authors must include with the article and the Statement of originality, a letter addressed to the Editor of the Journal expressing in a concrete manner the existence of any conflict of interest, detailing the specific case. The letter must specify the existence of the link (whether commercial, financial or personal) that in any way has the potential to affect the article.

Policy for the retraction of articles and its procedure

If an author submits an article for publication and is evaluated positively, but later retracts his or her will to publish it, he or she may do so if any of the following grounds apply, which are provided in the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

  • That non-compliance with the editorial process established by the journal is verified.
  • That the information does not correspond to the reality of the editorial process.
  • That the execution of bad editorial practices by the author is proven.
  • That there is a breach of ethical principles.
  • That indeterminate information or errors are intentionally included.

In the event of a retraction that seeks the total or partial invalidation or cancellation of an article included in any published edition of the journal, as well as the retraction or renunciation of a work, article or opinion, the author or third party who intends to make use of this policy must send a written communication to the Editor of the journal, in which he/she sets out his/her arguments with due justification and the necessary evidence.

Once the documents sent have been verified and within the following 15 calendar days, the Editor will proceed to present the case to the Editorial Committee who will discuss and decide by vote on the request. If the request is accepted, it will be made within 30 working days.

No appeal shall lie against the decision. However, the applicant may again inform of his or her interest in retracting, providing, or adding new evidence. The Editorial Committee must review the application again, assessing the additional evidence provided.

If it is decided that the article should be retracted, this will be done in the next issue of the published Journal, if it is editorially possible. If it is not possible in the respective number, it will be included in the next edition. In such cases, the official letter sent by the author will be included.

Procedure for the inclusion of “Erratum”

The Erratum refers to the insertion of a page in the publication of an edition after the production of the Journal, of errors detected in a previous edition.

To initiate this procedure in Revista Jurídica Piélagus, it is applied when a part of the article contains an error and is subsequently rectified by means of an editorial note entitled “erratum”.

In cases where an author, third party or staff of the journal detects a serious error in an edition, this should be communicated in writing, specifying the situation to the Editor or Editorial Board so that it can be corrected by means of an “erratum”.

Once the occurrence of the fact that generated the error and the way to solve it through a correction has been determined, the erratum will be included on the initial page after the editorial page in the next volume of the Journal in which the inaccuracy was incurred, whenever possible. If not, it will be made in the next issue.

Copyright infringement procedure

Copyright infringement occurs when an author takes parts of a text or the complete text as his or her own, presenting them to the journal as his or her own. In these cases, plagiarism occurs, and the journal will reject the article submitted for consideration outright. The procedure for reviewing the originality of the articles will be carried out initially once the article has been received for publication. This review will be carried out by anti-plagiarism software such as Turnitin, Ithenticate or any other similar software that fulfils this function.

Authors must refrain from submitting to the journal any text that has been submitted to another journal at the same time. If the Editor of the journal detects that an article has been submitted to another journal at the same time, the text will be rejected outright.

About the use of artificial intelligence for article writing

Revista Jurídica Piélagus will strictly review the content of the articles submitted using specialized software to verify that an author has not used artificial intelligence to write an article and pass it off as his or her own partially or totally. If this type of practice is verified, the Editor will inform the Editorial Committee of the situation to evaluate it and take the decision to reject the article, after reviewing the software report.

The use of artificial intelligence can be used by authors as an auxiliary tool to guide research work or provide data that can eventually be verified and used by the authors to improve an article, but in no way can it be presented in its entirety as human authorship.

Conflict of interest with respect to evaluators

The peer reviewers of the Journal must clearly and concisely express any type of conflict of interest that may arise with the articles submitted for review and evaluation.

A conflict of interest would arise in an article submitted for consideration by an author when a member of the Journal may have a certain inclination towards a favorable or unfavorable result due to direct friendship or enmity. In this sense, when the Editor and the Editorial Committee become aware of this situation, they should remove the member of the editorial team that may generate the conflict of interest from the evaluation process.

About the declaration of confidentiality of evaluators

The content of the document, as well as the evaluation or review of a work submitted to the Journal is completely confidential until its publication. Consequently, none of the members of the Editorial Committee and the Journal's staff is allowed to reveal any aspect of the content or personal opinions that may arise during the review process, until the publication has been completed.

In very specific and punctual cases, an explanation of the procedures followed in the research may be included to guarantee compliance with the principles of the Journal.

Privacy statement

Revista Jurídica Piélagus expressly authorizes the copying of its articles through photocopying or printing in any medium, specifying that its purpose will be solely academic and with the obligation of the interested party to make the proper citation of the source. The journal's e-mail address will be used exclusively for the reception of communications from the authors or interested parties and its content will be completely private and will not be disclosed or made known to any other person.

DOI system

All articles without exception will be individualized and identified through the granting of an international number called DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which is unique and permanent for all electronic publications. Through this number, the published article can be identified through metadata (author, title, publication data, etc.) registration and use of identifiers for use in digital networks.


The editor and the editorial board will not divulge any information about the submitted articles to any persons beyond the author, reviewers or/and editorial assistants.


OJS System - Metabiblioteca |