Proposals for an institutional reform within the European Union: A look between United States and the State Union

Propuestas de reforma institucional de la Unión Europea: entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión de Estados


Alejandro Peinado García

The European Union, created -in its previous versions- by the Treaties of Paris (1951) and Rome (1957), represents the initiative of greatest regional integration known up to now. Unlike other projects, its level of integration is advanced, but at the same time irregular. In the project, priority has been given to economic field rather than political ones. At the present time, the EU is at a crossroads: moving towards a more federal path (giving more powers to the Commission and Parliament), or maintaining the predominant intergovernmental dynamics so far (based on the relevant role, also in the legislative, of the Council). This paper tries to define the European Union and analyze the different integration paths that are presented, as well as the different proposals that have recently been presented supporting one or the other.



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Author Biographies / See

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Alejandro Peinado García, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)

doctorando en Ciencias Sociales y Máster en Sociedad, Administración y Política por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Investigador en el grupo DASP (Democracia y Autonomías: Sociedad y Política).


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