Public transportation through cables within environmental, social and economic aspects: analysis of legislation and regulation in Colombia (1989-2015)

Análisis de la legislación y normativa en Colombia (1989-2015)


Julián Rodrigo Quintero González Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Around the world, cable transport systems have shown benefits from environmental protection, social equity, and economic value; at the same time, they have resulted as initiatives in Latin American countries through their implementation as a collective urban public transport system.

It is observed the incursion of this type of systems in Colombia, at the same time that there are concerns about its benefits and the sufficiency of the public policies that support its implementation.

The present work aims to detail the benefits of the implementation of integrated cables to public transport systems in cities; also, assess public policies around those. The methodology is oriented to establish, on the review of the available literature, the environmental, social and economic benefits of cable transport. Consecutively, through the use of a contrast matrix for the qualitative analysis of policies, make the assessment of legislation and normative for regulation, promotion and development related to urban public transport through cables in the Colombian context as well as plans, programs and projects.

The results show gaps in legislation and regulations, as well as in national plans. It is concluded that public policy is not enough and requires the intervention of the State in the matter, with a view to the implementation and exploitation of transport systems using cables in the cities of Colombia.



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Author Biography / See

Julián Rodrigo Quintero González, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Docente Escuela de Ingeniería de Transporte y Vías, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Sede Tunja.

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XXX. L. 336/1996
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XXXIII. L. 1753/2015
XXXIV. R. 0627/2006
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