The normal and the named: A theoretical approach to Public Law in Colombia

Lo normal y lo nombrado: una aproximación teórica al Derecho Público en Colombia


Marla Alejandra Motta Chavarro
Juan Sebastián Martínez Tovar

In this research we consider the law as a subjective experience that is, as a field in which different actors deploy strategies to intervene in its construction. The crucial question and starting point is, how to conceive the law? To answer this question, the work has been divided into three parts; first, a journey is made through different concepts of law, from the legal sciences; second, although the reconstruction of the same concept continues, its analysis is deployed from a non-legal approach, through thinkers outside the law; the third and last part sets out what is meant by public law in this research, relating the concepts studied in the first two sections, and linking them with the theoretical apparatus of Michel Foucault; In other words, adopting an analytical posture from biopolitics. Finally, we understand that public law is a space where different actors and multiple strategies intervene, facing the monopoly of naming the right to life for a population. In this scenario, sexual rights and reproductive rights are also slipping, because together with the right to health, they have a legal way of life, according to human dignity.



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