The fundamental character of the right of ethnically diverse communities to be consulted beforehand about the decisions that affect their territories

El carácter fundamental del derecho de las comunidades étnicamente diversas a ser consultadas previamente acerca de las decisiones que afectan sus territorios


Maura Lorena Soto Soto
Johan Steed Ortiz Fernández

The fundamental right of ethnic and culturally diverse communities to be consulted beforehand on decisions that directly affect the full exercise of their rights is analyzed. It is made through the study of the constitutional tensions caused by the effective enjoyment of the right to prior consultation, in contrast with the exercise of activities of exploration and exploitation of natural resources that are framed in the economic and general interest of the State. In this sense, the constitutional jurisprudence on the subject is analyzed and the controversy is explained from two relevant legal moments. The first one, in force of the Decree 2655 of 1988 and the second one, in force of the Law 1685 of 2001, new Code of Mines. The scope of the prior consultation, its obligatory nature, purpose, and others are specified.



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II. Colombia. Constitución Política de Colombia (1991). Artículo 330.

III. Colombia. D. 2655/1988. Por el cual se expide el Código de Minas. 23 de diciembre. D.O. núm. 38.626.

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VIII. CE, rad. 2290/2016, C.P. A. Namén (Consejo de Estado 30 de agosto de 2016). Radicado: 11001-03-06-000-2016-00057-00(2290).

IX. CConst, T-778/2005, M. Cepeda.

X. CConst, C-077/2017, L. Vargas.

XI. CConst, SU-133/2017, L. Vargas

XII. CConst, SU-383/2003, A. Tafur

XIII. CConst, T-318/1993, C. Gaviria.

XIV. CConst, T-428/1992, C. Angarita.

XV. CConst, T-116/2011, H. Sierra.

XVI. CConst, C-813/2009, J. Pretelt.

XVII. CConst, T-418/2002, A. Tafur.

XVIII. CConst, SU-039/1997, A. Barrero.

XIX. CConst, T-800/14, G. Mendoza.

XX. CConst, T-652/1998, C. Gaviria.

XXI. CConst, T-634/1999, A. Martinez.

XXII. CConst, C-35/2016, G. Ortiz.

XXIII. CConst, T-129/2011, J. Palacio.

XXIV. CConst, T-172/2013, J. Palacio.

XXV. CConst, C-216/1993, J. Hernández.

XXVI. CConst, C-891/2002, J. Araujo.

XXVII. CConst, T-376/2012, M. Calle.

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