Historical and theoretical overview of electoral organization and political parties in Colombia

Generalidades históricas y teóricas de la organización electoral y los partidos políticos en Colombia


Jennifer Liliana Campos Chaux
Silvia Cristina Gómez García

This article corresponds to the first chapter of the research carried out as a degree requirement of the Master’s degree in public law at the Surcolombiana University, within which it is intended to analyze the causes and consequences of the sanctions to candidates, parties and political movements by the National Electoral Council in exercise of its function of inspection, surveillance and control, granted by Article 265 of the Political Constitution, which is why the subject will be addressed, first studying the historical and theoretical generalities of electoral organization and political parties in Colombia.


The study begins, starting from the concept of parties and political movements; Its conceptualization, its origins from the most representative historical moments, until its current regulation. Parallel to the birth of the political parties, and as an essential part of the exercise of public power, in a second segment, this article deals with the study of the electoral function in Colombia, seen from the organ in charge of that exercise, the National Electoral Council; its composition and functions throughout history, until its constitutional recognition in the Charter of 1991, and the subsequent reforms to which it has been subjected especially in relation to the functions granted to it.



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