The right to be forgotten in Colombia:

El derecho al olvido en Colombia: Doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis


Juan Camilo Muñoz Losada

This article aims to determine what is the content, development and scope of the Fundamental Right to be forgotten within the Colombian legal system, as well as its origin. It is analyzed the role of the Constitutional Court in its judgments regarding the right to be forgotten, as it is a new subject and barely applied in Colombia. It will be pointed the scope and contribution of each sentence, which will be detached from the legal problem or the decision made on each one. Also, it will be seen how this right collides with others of equal roots and in which cases the application of the right to be forgotten prevails.



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I. Platero-Alcón, A. (2015). El derecho al olvido en internet. El fenómeno de los motores de búsqueda. Opinión Jurídica. Vol. 15, N° 29. P.p. 243-260.


II. CConst, T-1066/02. M. P. J. Araujo Rentería.

III. CConst, SU-458/12. M. P. A. M. Guillen Arango.

IV. CConst, T-439/09. M. P. J. I. Pretelt Chaljub.

V. CConst, 414/92. M. P. C. Angarita Barón.

VI. CConst, T-699/14. M. P. M. González Cuervo.

VII. CConst, T-592/03. M. P. Á. Tafur Galvis.

VIII. CConst, T-478/2015. M. P. G. S. Ortiz Delgado.

IX. CConst, T-551/94. M. P. J. G. Hernández Galindo.

X. CConst, T-713/03. M. P. J. Araujo Rentería.

XI. CConst, T-098/17, M. P. L. E. Vargas Silva.
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