Constitutional control of the State of emergency and decrees issued in Colombia during the year 2020 with the occurrence of Covid-19 and the violation of fundamental rights
On this research article addresses the issue related to the declaration of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency and the Legislative Decrees issued in Colombia in 2020 due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. According to this situation, the Constitutional Court exercised prior and automatic control of 115 Legislative Decrees issued during the State of Exception and declared numerous unenforceability. The main objective of the article is the analysis of the Constitutional Court judgments which the 115 Legislative Decrees are reviewed, to determine the existence of any Fundamental Rights violation. This article was developed under an analytical-descriptive approach, since the characteristics of the States of Emergency are detailed; in a way which the Court exercises constitutional control (formal and material) is mentioned; and all the jurisprudence of the Court through which constitutional control is exercised is analyzed in detail. All of the above is done, to finally reach the conclusion that indeed some of the Legislative Decrees violated fundamental rights such as the right to culture, national identity, equality, work, among others.
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XI. CConst, C-004/1992, M.P. E. Cifuentes Muñoz (Corte Constitucional 7 de mayo de 1992).
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XVIII. CConst, C-193 de 2020, M.P. G. E. Ortiz Delgado (Corte Constitucional 24 de junio de 2020).
XIX. CConst, C-201 de 2020, M.P. A. Linares Cantillo (Corte Constitucional 25 de junio de 2020).
XX. CConst, C-242 de 2020, M.P. L. G. Guerreo Pérez, C. Pardo Schlesinger (Corte Constitucional 9 de julio de 2020).
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XXVI. Constitución Política de Colombia. Const, 1886. Art 121.
XXVII. Constitución Política de Colombia. Const, 1991. Art 93; 212; 213; 215.