Legal effect of the IACHR Court decision on the sanctioning competence of the Comptroller's Office over elected officials

Efecto jurídico del fallo de la Corte IDH en la competencia sancionadora de la Contraloría a funcionarios de elección popular


Fabián Sánchez Jiménez

The research article deals with the legal effects of the IACHR Court decision on the sanctioning competence of the Comptroller's Office over elected officials. The objectives are to describe the sanctioning procedure in Colombia of the Comptroller's Office with respect to popularly elected officials, to identify the scope of the proposals of the IACHR Court ruling of July 8, 2020 in the Petro vs. Colombia case in relation to the sanctioning competence of the Comptroller's Office and to determine, the legal effect for Colombia in relation to the regulatory adequacy and the power of criminal judges to sanction popularly elected officials.

To achieve this, a qualitative methodology with a descriptive analytical approach is proposed, using the bibliographic review of academic studies on the subject, and primary sources such as the IACHR Court decision on the Petro vs. Colombia case with related regulations. It is hoped that the legal consequences relating to the adequacy of the domestic legal order will be analyzed on the basis of the Court’s ruling, in such a way that elected officials cannot be dismissed or disqualified by decisions of administrative authorities without that implying a blow to the competency, constitutional and legal structure of the Colombian State.



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