Efficiency of the fiscal control reform in Neiva, Department of Huila
The purpose of this article is to analyze the efficiency of the Fiscal Control reform in the department of Huila, specifically in the city of Neiva. This activity is exclusively public and ensures the optimal administration of state resources, thereby promoting prosperity and responsibility in execution methods. Moreover, this study was deemed interesting to conduct as it allowed for the identification of the management of the territorial comptroller’s office and how it has been exercising its role in Neiva. The significance of its efficiency, evolution, and the existence of a series of reforms in the models aimed at generating a scenario for analysis, critique, and interpretations of the topic were also explored.
For this reason, the bibliographic and jurisprudential review encompassed important aspects throughout the development of this document. It demonstrated, through a historical chronology, how control has been exercised based on principles of efficiency and transparency. Each of the concepts presented here is related to the concept of administrative action, its elements, typology, and other aspects that enrich the analysis and define the impact it has had on the Territorial Comptroller’s Office, specifically in Neiva, the geographical scope of this study.
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