The right to due process in the sanctions imposed by the state in land transport

El debido proceso en el ejercicio de la potestad sancionatoria de la administración, en materia de transporte terrestre


Cesar Julián Salas Escobar

In Colombia, the land transport sector has grown exponentially, to extent that both the structure, activity and the profits had to be studied and regulated by the State, in order to balance public and private interests at stake.

The factual situation outlined in the previous paragraph has allowed the state to vigorously strengthen its intervention through the punitive power of the administration, which is nothing more than an instrument through which the state punishes behaviors that violate the committed state advocated by the 1991 Constitution and the laws that develop and regulate the public land transport service. However, the practice of this power to punish is to counterbalance respect for due process of the investigated and punished, which obliges the state to respect procedures and principles for its decisions in accordance with law.

Despite, the apparent conceptual clarity outlined, there is a gap unified doctrinal development on the subject, which has led to their unification and development through to case law by the Constitutional Court, in the Court below, and the Colombian State Council, in forward the Council, who through their criteria have been deserving characterization and development by outlining the doctrine and legal scholars, especially the concepts embodied in the judgments uttered during the last 15 years.



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Author Biography / See

Cesar Julián Salas Escobar

Candidato a magister en Derecho Público

Universidad Surcolombiana


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Referencias Normativas


• L 105/1993.

• L 336/1996.

• L 769/2002.

• L 1383/2010.

Referencias Jurisprudenciales

Consejo de Estado

• CE1, 14 May. 1998, r2126, L. Rodríguez.

• CE1, 3 Jun. 1999, r5200, E. Ariza.

• CE1, 19 Oct. 2000, r5964, G. Mendoza.

• CE1, 21 Sept. 2001, r6792, M. Urueta.

• CE1, 7 Mar.2002, r7293, M. Urueta.

• CE1, 6 Sept. 2002, r6982, M. Urueta.

• CE1, 24 Jul. 2003, r8365, M. Urueta.

• CE4, 25 Ago. 2005, M. Ortiz.

• CE1, 20 Oct. 2005, r7826, R. Ostau de Lafont Pianeta.

• CE4, 10 May. 2007, M. Ortiz.

• CE1, 3 Jul. 2008, r209-01, R. Ostau de Lafont Pianeta

• CE3, 2 Abr. 2009, M. Velilla.

• CE4, 28 May. 2009, M. Sanz.

• CE4, 24 Sept. 2009, M. Sanz.

• CE1, 12 Nov. 2009, R. Ostau de Lafont Pianeta.

• CE1, 26 Nov.2009, M. Rojas

• CE3, 4 Feb. 2010, M. Velilla

• CE1, 6 May. 2010. R. Ostau de Lafont Pianeta.

• CE1, 10 Jun. 2010, M. Rojas.

• CE1, 7 Oct. 2010, M. García.

• CE1, 29 Nov. 2010, R. Ostau De Lafont Pianeta

• CE1, 18 Agosto 2011, R. Ostau De Lafont Pianeta

Corte Constitucional

• CConst, T-976/1999, F. Morón.

• CConst, T-786 /2000, Barrera, A.

• CConst, T-214 /2006, Monroy, M.

• CConst, T-199 /2006, Gaviria, C.

• CConst, C-980 /2010, Mendoza, G.

• CConst, C-089 /2011, Vargas, L.

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