Analysis on a possible public water service control in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, Argentina

Un posible análisis sobre el control público del servicio del agua en Buenos Aires y Santa Fe, Argentina


Clara Minaverry

This article examines the roles of the agencies linked with the water in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, Argentina, for the purpose of detecting possible overlapping of functions that could generate an inefficiency in the service. From the methodological point of view was used the method of documentary observation that consists of obtaining information through selective, interpretative and enlightened perception of a given phenomenon.

After analyzing all the obligations arising from the regulations of these bodies and the information provided in the conceptual networks, it should note that there are areas of overlap in the area of the province of Buenos Aires, in where it generated dubious situations about which agency go since several have the same Faculty,, for the same territory.

The above, concluded that the most problematic aspect that was scanned is linked with the operation of the supervisory bodies, through the exercise of its police power. Then, says that the existence of a high level of compliance by water companies will depend directly on the following areas:

(a) Functioning of the supervisory bodies.

(b) The quality of legislation



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Author Biography / See

Clara Minaverry, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Derecho - Universidad de Buenos Aires Profesora Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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