Effectiveness of the Administrative Conciliation: A View from the evidence

La eficacia de la conciliación administrativa: Una visión desde los elementos probatorios


Abelardo Poveda Perdomo
The administrative conciliation is an alternative mechanism for solving conflicts, it had been constructed as a requisite of procedurability for accessing at Colombian judicial system, and thus show it as an alternative to log in justice and being an instrument set free judicial office. At same time impose a strong responsibility by administrative procurator, who must protect the legality and the patrimony of our Government. This labor describes the analysis of conciliation requests since the orbit of evidential elements between 2012 and 2013, and its impact as a generator of administrative extrajudicial conciliations. the obtained results evidence that probatory middle are no efficiency for getting an agreement about the solicited, because on practice it turns in a formality that does not affect your admission, approbation or failed declaration; despite normativity requires that audience promoter be below the proves as a requisite of facts sustentation what constitute the pretentions support that generate a conflict to resolve and the backrest who represents a possible conciliatory agreement, it shows that losses importance, besides precarious use of them in this kind of mechanism.


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Author Biography / See

Abelardo Poveda Perdomo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctor en Derecho Profesor Universidad Surcolombiana

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