Predicaments of e-democracy in Serbia

Predicamentos de la democracia en Serbia


Gordana Vukadinoviæ
Dragutin Avramoviæ

The statistics of 2013 in Serbia show that almost 60% of the total population are computer owners, which is 5% more than in 2012. In addition, about 56% have Internet access, which increased by 8 % over last year. This makes it fast, continued strong for the use of information technology and communications (ICT) in the management of the different functions of the state development. The first step was done in the exploitation of various forms of administration, which is mainly limited to electronic services, improving the previous bureaucratic tradition, the communication between citizens and the state administration. In addition, the administration included the first attempts of the participation process by enabling citizens to express their opinion through public discussion in the process of drafting the law, as well as various forms of debate held in the web portal specialized government.

Given the increasing spread of literacy and Internet access to hardware, the authors state that participation does not yet provide an adequate or substantial impact of citizens in the political process. In order to reduce a gap between citizens and the state authorities in decision-making procedures, the most comprehensive statement of the institutions of direct democracy is now possible and necessary, but some obstacles in the way. For starters, you can score the introduction of participation through referendum, at least partly, locally, particularly in technologically developed regions, with an important educational function. It could stimulate interest in political participation in general, logistics preparation for other forms of further development of democracy. However, the problem in Serbia is not primarily connected to the difficulties or technological barriers, but to the will of the political elite to accept the transfer of real sovereignty of the people as its owner.



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Author Biographies / See

Gordana Vukadinoviæ, Universidad de Novi Sad

Doctora en Derecho Profesora Universidad de Novi Sad (Serbia)

Dragutin Avramoviæ, Universidad de Novi Sad

Doctor en Derecho Profesor Universidad de Novi Sad (Serbia)

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