Time and process in the digital age

Tiempo y proceso en la era digital


Carlos Marden Cabral Coutinho
Flaviane de Magalhães Barros
The article that’s proposed intends to analyze the relationship between time and process in the Digital Age, specifically from the perspective of constitutional democracy. The question of the duration was always central in discussions about process, and the current topic usually is how to operationalize judgments faster. In the Digital Age, with the possibility of recourse to virtual process (which already happens in many countries, such as Brazil, Italy and Portugal), has rised a new field of possibilities in which the bureaucracy was overcome by judicial facilities inherent digital world. Faced with such a novelty, there are many devices used to cause an increasing number of cases to be tried in less time. It turns out that the time of the process cannot be deleted freely, because time is directly involved in the exercise of guarantees as contradictory and full defense (duel process of law); so, as much as the technology allows them to judge in a scheme of assembly lines, it must preserve a minimum time that makes possible to the party exercise the rights that are constitutionally guaranteed. Faced with this question, the work that is proposed is to examine whether there are limits to the temporal acceleration that can be promoted by digital media. The goal is to demonstrate that, even with the digital resources available, not every device acceleration must be admitted, because some of them may represent a commitment on the part of the full action in court.


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Author Biographies / See

Carlos Marden Cabral Coutinho, Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais

Doctor en Derecho Procesal Pontificia Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais (Brasil) Procurador Federal

Flaviane de Magalhães Barros, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais PUC Minas

Doctor en Derecho Procesal Pontificia Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais (Brasil) Profesor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais PUC Minas

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