Women: their emergence from political subjectivity in the processes of social transformation

Mujeres: su emergencia de la subjetividad política en los procesos de transformación social


Martha Patricia Amaya Olaya

This article analyzes the emergence and transformation of the political subjectivity of women working in Fundación Sembrando Futuro con Afecto (FUSEF), of the city of Neiva, (Colombia) in relation to the processes of construction of political subjectivity in women of community. Its narratives from the autoethnography and conversational interviews derived categories of analysis such as the historical awareness that is recovered in each story and that gave account of the moments of beginning of a community gestated from freedom but that was overshadowed and invisible in the institutionalized, in hegemonic discourses that mainstream the body through the knowledge-power of psychic mechanisms. However, the resistance provokes new configurations and that is how political action begins to make visible the encounter with the other in its vulnerability to the point that it questions and moves to take charge and account for itself. Which proposes a review of ethics for life and shared support.



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