Defending life: memory, migration and Human rights in FASIC's experience

Defender la vida: memoria, migraciones y Derechos Humanos en la experiencia de FASIC


Catalina Álvarez Martínez-Conde

In this article, we interrogate the link proposed by the Christian Churches Social Aid Foundation (FASIC), between memory, migrations and Human Rights, and the meanings associated with these in its statements, actions and the dialogues they promote. With this objective in mind, we co-produced interviews with members relevant to the Foundation's trajectory and reviewed videos and information available on its YouTube channel and website. Our analysis showed that, on the one hand, the meanings associated with memory, migration and human rights are in dialogue and co-constitute each other. On the other hand, that from this mutual constitution they are re-signified in resistance, mobility, interdependence and indivisibility. We conclude by suggesting that this imbrication is consolidated in FASIC's guiding principle in relation to the defense of life, and we highlight the potential of this principle to contribute to social transformation.



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