Historical Memory in Colombia:

Memoria Histórica en Colombia: Campo y tensión Field and tension.


Alejandro Riascos Guerrero


In Colombia, the work of recovering the past of the conflict, its preservation, and even its treatment as a neuralgic element for clarifying the truth have been organized around what has been conceptually called the “field of historical memory.” Not in a few publications, the emergence of this field has been mentioned to account for the processes placed in it, the relationships that are established between those who are compelled in their intervention, and the phenomena that derive from there. However, given the breadth of works gathered on this particular topic, it is difficult to formally identify what is referred to when talking about the field of historical memory in Colombia since the elements that are considered in the different formulations of the authors vary or are treated in different ways according to the interpretative frameworks, theoretical-conceptual approaches, and the epistemic scaffolds from which the phenomenon is approached. In this sense, the purpose of this article tries to make formalization of this field, from a reflection that takes as its articulating axis, the theory of the social fields of P. Bourdieu, which allows giving consistency to a specifically delimited space and allows the analysis of the action, relationship and tension between particular agents, who occupy specific and dynamic places, within the framework of the construction of historical memory in the Colombian case.



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