Effectiveness of a cognitive intervention in executive functions to improve mental flexibility in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Efectividad de una intervención cognitiva en funciones ejecutivas para mejorar flexibilidad mental en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad


Ángela Magnolia Ríos-Gallardo Universidad Surcolombiana
Alfredis González Hernández Universidad Surcolombiana
Diana Carolina Toledo Nieto Universidad Surcolombiana
María Alejandra Bermeo Losada Universidad Surcolombiana
Jasmín Bonilla-Santos Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia-Sede Neiva.
Lísimaco Vallejo Cuéllar Universidad Surcolombiana

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome that occurs in childhood, especially in the male population, is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and sometimes, accompanied by inattention and inappropriate operation according to the demands of the context. This behavior is more frequent in the school population, that has its beginning in childhood and it affects the activities of the child who suffers from it. It is quite probable that this affectation persists to throughout life, if not treated on time. It is estimated that 5.1 million children have a diagnosis of ADHD in the world. The global prevalence of this disorder ranges from 3% to 7%. Objective. To determine the effectiveness of a cognitive stimulation program in executive functions to improve mental flexibility in children with ADHD. Methodology. Type of quantitative study, quasi-experimental, with control group, pretest-training-postest. Materials and methods: The participants of the study were 51 children school age, 34 diagnosed with ADHD (experimental group) and 1 7 children who do not present any symptoms that suggests behavioral alterations (control group) Results. The experimental group showed to benefit from training and this evidence the significant gain with respect to the control group in tests that measure the executive system.





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Author Biographies / See

Ángela Magnolia Ríos-Gallardo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctora en Psicología con orientación en neurociencia cognitiva aplicada. Grupo de Investigación Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana

Alfredis González Hernández, Universidad Surcolombiana

Grupo de Investigación Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana

Diana Carolina Toledo Nieto, Universidad Surcolombiana

Grupo de Investigación Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana

María Alejandra Bermeo Losada, Universidad Surcolombiana

Grupo de Investigación Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana

Jasmín Bonilla-Santos, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia-Sede Neiva.

Grupo de Investigación Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana

Lísimaco Vallejo Cuéllar, Universidad Surcolombiana

Grupos de investigación Inefc, Barcelona

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