Adverse Drug Reactions Occurring in the Internal Medicine Service at University Hospital in Neiva
Reacciones adversas a medicamentos en el servicio de medicina interna del Hospital Universitario de Neiva
Objective. To establish the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) occurring in the internal medicine service at the Hospital Universitario in Neiva. Design. Cross-sectional, descriptive study. Place. Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo, Neiva-Colombia. Population. Patients in Internal Medicine service of Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo. Method: Data collection with non-participative direct observation, following an active pharmaco surveillance model. Documentary review of medical histories was performed. Results: Of 303 inpatients in the internal medicine service it was obtained 153 patients with ADRs corresponding to 50% of the sample. Their average age was 63 +/- 4,6. ADRs were grouped by systems: 27.4% affected skin, 13.8% affected the gastrointestinal system, followed by the hematologic and cardiac systems. Regarding medicines related to ADRs, they were divided into groups, as follows: antimicrobials by 37,9%, followed by antihypertensives by 13.3%, anticoagulants by 9,8%. The three most frequent drugs were: vancomycin by 6.6%, enalaprilen by 6,6% and tramadol by 5.3%. When classifying ADRs it was found that 63% corresponded to type A and 46,4% to type B. These ADRs represented 71 cases of the total; the most frequent were: rash by 39.4%, pruritus by 14.3% and cough by 11.2% and a Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms Syndrome (DRESS) case took place. Fourteen severe cases of ADRs were documented which showed bleeding by 35,8%, IRA by 35,8% among others. Drugs related to these ADRs were: warfarin by 14.4% as well as enoxaparin, and vancomycin.
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