Job satisfaction of the nursing staff in University Hospital José María Morales Meseguer. Murcia, Spain.
Satisfaction of the sanitary professionals is a very important issue in the care process, and it is directly related to the quality of sanitary services. Satisfaction and workers motivation are two important elements to study. Consequences of these elements over the workers and their repercussion in the performance of the different organizations and in the quality of the services offered must be studied. Objective: to evaluate the satisfaction of the nursing staff in the surgery area in a second level University Hospital. Material and method: Observational, analytic and transversal study to the nursing staft in the surgical area. The data collection was done in the first quarter of 2015. It was used as instrument the NTP 394: job satisfaction: general scale of satisfaction. Analysis of data: nonparametric tests for two samples o k samples according to comparison. Results: The results show a participation rate of 89,65%. The average among participants was 58,76 (DT: 16,64) with regard to general satisfaction. Regard extrinsic and intrinsic satisfaction de average was 31,42 (DT: 9,04) and 27,34 (DT: 8,22) respectively. “Job stability” was the factor in which the professionals were most satisfied; “the way things are managed” won the lowest satisfaction. The main findings reflect a medium level of satisfaction among the sanitary workers in the surgical area in University Hospital. It‘s necessary from the management area intervene in those factors that professional are less satisfied.
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