HLA-A, B and DRB1 frequencies in a population of Huila-Colombia

Frecuencias de HLA-A, B y DRB1 en una población de Huila-Colombia


Sandra Bermeo
María Teresa Guerra
Henry Ostos Alfonso

The performance of genetic description (gene frequencies (GF), genotype and haplotype) of the HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) system in a population, is of great importance because this knowledge has implications in areas of science and in anthropology (migration, miscegenation, etc.), transplantation, transfusion of platelets, genetic diseases, forensic genetics, development of new generation vaccines, among others. Completion of an investigation in determining gene frequencies or other, they should be compared with frequencies previously estimated for the general local population, but in many cases, as it is in South Colombian population, these data does not exist.

 The population characterization meaning from the functional and / or practical point of view depends on the research perspective from which it is addressed; however, it is compulsory to initiate the description of the population gene frequencies, since this data base will be very useful in further research and will allow to make later inferences after the findings about the behavior of the disease throughout history in the region.

The objective of this research was to determine the FG, genotype and haplotype of 3 sets of HLA complex, previously established by Polymerase Chain Reaction, with the use of specific sequence primers (PCR-SSP).

The FG HLA-A, B and DRB1 most frequent (> 10%) were A*24 (22%), A*02 (17%), B*35 (15%), B*44 (10%) DRB1*04 (18%) and DRB1*13 (11%). All of them correspond to the most frequent alleles reported in Colombian and Latin American populations. 



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Author Biographies / See

Sandra Bermeo, Laboratorio de Medicina Genómica, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Huila, Colombia.

Profesor Asociado, Profesor Catedrático.

María Teresa Guerra, Universidad Surcolombiana

Investigador asociado, profesor catedrático

Henry Ostos Alfonso, Universidad Surolombiana

Profesor Titular, Facultad de Salud, Coordinador Laboratorio de Medicina Genómica, Universidad Surcolombiana.

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