Humanización de los servicios de salud ¿es necesario hablar de ello?

Humanización de los servicios de salud ¿es necesario hablar de ello?


Carlos Andres Montalvo Arce

The objective of quality health services is to satisfy users based on the characteristics of the treatment and care received. The search for care in health services is mainly motivated by a sense of unhappiness of the patient, who approaches seeking help to meet their health needs perceived to a greater or lesser extent as a threat to their life. Accordingly, it is also noted that health is closely linked to the preservation of life, almost more than any other right or service that can be provided. We then have on one side an individual who “suffers” and on the other someone who can alleviate his suffering, and the possibility of sincere interest, recognition and understanding of that suffering appears, situates a feeling known as empathy and valued for being considered as an attitude by the doctor towards the patient facilitating and favouring communication in such a way that it allows him to “locate” in his place with the purpose of being able to offer the best of his art to relieve his sufferings


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