General surgery Department of Surcolombiana University and State Social Entreprise Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital: Conrtextualization 2009-2010

Departamentos de cirugía general de la Universidad Surcolombiana (USCO) y la E.S.E. Hospital Universitario de Neiva (HUN): contextualización 2009-2010


Luis Eduardo Sanabria R.

On a regular basis the Surgery Department Coordinator from University Hospital in Neiva is at the same time the Coordinator of undergraduate professorship and the General Surgery post-graduate study. This allows the coordinator to have a broad understanding about the relationship between the two institutions and its environment. The legal framework governing the General System of Social Security on Health and specially on the Quality Guarantee subsystem allows to check the disparity in adaptation processes and performance of hospitals in relation to the current health model. In this respect the university hospital comes out well. The importance of habilitation and accreditation as the “gold standard” is highlighted for University Hospitals what is sufficiently supported in Colombian law and emphasized in Decree 2376 of July 1, 2010. Hospital history and records are reviewed until it finally became a university hospital by means of ordinance of December 24, 1998, its links with Surcolombiana University and the development of teaching-assistantship agreement until the current one, signed on September 22, 2008. University Hospital and Surcolombiana University statistical data and budget execution of 2009 and 2010 are shown. Level III service with an estimated coverage of 1.072.002 inhabitants in 2010. The University Hospital is of paramount importance in the region as a source of research, scientific knowledge and technological formation for the health human talent that is strengthened with the contribution and support of Surcolombiana University. 




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Author Biography / See

Luis Eduardo Sanabria R., Universidad Surcolombiana

Cirujano General Fellow UCI-FSFB, Coordinador Departamento de Cirugía USCO-HUN, Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Ciencias Clínicas, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Surcolombiana

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