Nephrotoxicity cisplatin in patients from the cancerology unit at Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo de Neiva

Nefrotoxicidad por cisplatino en pacientes de la unidad de cancerología del Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo de Neiva


Juan Diego Mosquera Méndez
Juan Sebastián Cuellar Hernández
Wilmer David Esquivel Plazas
Ernesto Federico Benavides López

Nephrotoxicity is a side effect to the kidney damage caused by drugs used in the treatment of cancer; this is a cause of treatment interruption and dose reduction in Chemotherapy due to impaired  glomerular  filtration rate(GFR).This study aimed at determining the changes in renal function in adult patients with carcinoma of the cervix, testis, ovary,lung, head and neck receiving chemotherapy at theCancer UnitofUniversityHospital Moncaleano Hernando Perdomo. It is a descriptive study, case series carried outwith 77over-18-year-oldpatients with the above mentioned pathologies, treated at the oncology unit at University-Hernando Hospital Moncaleano Perdomo Neiva, from March1, 2001 to28 February,2012. It was taken into account patients reporting measurement of serum creatinine and urine Simple before and after chemotherapy cycles. GFR was calculated using the classical equation Modification of Diet in Renal Disease MDRD and Naranjo algorithm was  used to observe correlation between adverse drug reactions(ADR).  Differences between measures taken before and after chemotherapy cycles were established by using a student  test calculated using the Stata11.1software.GFR values showed a decrease of 9.2%, after anticancer therapies. This decrease is in relation to age, tumor type and number of chemotherapy cycles.



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