Reproducibility of clinical measurements

Reproducibilidad de las mediciones clínicas


Claudia Marcela Rojas
Jorge Puerta
Julio Gómez
José Andrés Calvache

In the clinical setting as in research there is great interest in ensuring the quality of measurings as a basis for decision making. The quality of a measurement depends of two properties: The validity and reliability. While the validity expresses the degree of the measurement of the phenomenon of interest, the accuracy of a measurement is evaluated calculating the reproducibility of multiple measurements. This paper discusses the concepts of validity and reliability of a measurement and its clinical and epidemiological interpretation. Additionally discusses concepts of statistical agreement, concordance and correlation and presents a brief summary of the available methods for assessing the reproducibility both numerical and graphical.



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Author Biographies / See

Claudia Marcela Rojas, Universidad del Cauca

Médico residente del programa de Anestesiología. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

Jorge Puerta, Universidad del Cauca

Médico residente del programa de Anestesiología. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

Julio Gómez, Universidad del Cauca

Médico residente del programa de Anestesiología. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

José Andrés Calvache, Universidad del Cauca

Profesor Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Departamento de Anestesiología. Erasmus University Medical Centre, Department of Anesthesiology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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