Innovation Opportunities in the Agribusiness Chain of Cocoa according to Trends in Research and Technologies for Huila

Oportunidades de Innovación en la Cadena Agroindustrial del Cacao según las Tendencias en Investigación y Tecnologías para el Huila


Germán Darío Hémbuz Falla
Cristhian Andrés Astudillo Solano
Eliana Cabrera Martínez

It is clear that Huila, as a leading and traditional agricultural producer, has clear options for generating value-added to primary goods, therefore, it should be prepared to improve its position and recognition, especially in sectors that are the engine of the economy, such as cocoa, which is consolidated as a productive bet in the departmental economy; therefore, this productive sector as the subject of a process of business intelligence and scientific and technological forecasting, demands the collection and analysis of information on the different changes that have been generated in the global context and result in the transformation of knowledge that is useful for entrepreneurs, experts, and stakeholders in the agribusiness chain of cocoa, making better decisions and anticipating the changes that also arise to create strategies and structure advances that generate competitive advantages for the Huila department.


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