Lineamientos de buenas prácticas de gestión de proyectos de infraestructura TIC para la empresa INGELECGROUP S.A.S del Huila bajo el enfoque PMI y SCRUM


Luis Ferney Álvarez Tovar
Derly Cibelly Lara Figueroa Universidad Surcolombiana
Rafael Armando Méndez Lozano Universidad Surcolombiana

This article shows the results of proposing the guidelines of good practices for the management of ICT Infrastructure projects that had as its object and was developed in the company INGELECGROUP S.AS, in the department of Huila.


The research was developed from a diagnosis of the OPM3 model developed by the PMI that measures the level of maturity of project management, by which it was adapted to the company and from an analysis of documentation of good practices based on the PMBOK guide. , as well as good practices with an agile approach using the SBOK guide of SCRUM adapted to the needs of the organization.


The research was carried out under the cross-sectional and descriptive case study approach, where the organization's work team was involved, a documentary analysis of the project management of the project leaders was carried out and the management guidelines were established. projects, obtaining the results of the maturity level of project management and the comparative analysis of the PMI and SCRUM methodologies approaches.



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